SeaMobile: Cyprus 1.2.1
The SeaMobile App provides a handy and dynamicguide to the beaches and marine waters of Cyprus. It gives for eachbeach local information (description and features), marineforecasts (waves, currents, temperature, salinity and winds) andweather forecasts. This is provided in tables and maps, includinganimations.The information aims at users in the tourism and recreationalsectors, in particular public visiting beaches, swimming, surfing,sailing, fishing, and diving, and professionals such as hotels,schools for diving, surfing, sailing, fishery trips organizers,boat rentals, and others.The marine forecasts are updated daily with a forecast horizon of 3days and include the sea currents, sea temperature and salinity,sea level, offshore significant wave height, swell, tides, as wellas winds over the sea. These are derived from the operationalcoastal ocean forecasting and observing system (CYCOFOS) that isoperated by the Oceanography Center of the University of Cyprus(OC-UCY). This Center conducts basic and applied research in thefields of ocean physics and dynamics, remote sensing, operationaloceanography, and biological and chemical oceanography. It collectsmarine monitoring data by in-situ instruments and by satellites,which are used in CYCOFOS, and it cooperates with existingoperational ocean forecasting networks in Europe.The SeaMobile App has been developed by OC-UCY in cooperation withMARIS (Netherlands), WabbieWorks (Cyprus), and the Cyprus TourismOrganization (CTO). The App allows public to appreciate the powerand changeability of the sea at many scales and in many aspects.The information services can also increase safety, because userswill be warned of possible high waves or heavy currents and takethese into account when planning their activities such as sailing,diving, boat trips and others.The SeaMobile App adds flavour to the services that are alreadyoffered to tourists and make Cyprus even more attractive as aholiday destination.The SeaMobile project is co-funded by the Repubic of Cyprus and theEuropean Regional Development Fund. The SeaMobile informationservice is developed for giving tourist and recreational usersaccess to customised marine data and forecasting services, adoptingsmart phones and mobile touch screen devices as distributionplatforms. Later this might be expanded with dedicated services forbusinesses and public authorities.
HDSR water en oeverplanten 2.0.0
Location and dates of riparian and aquatic plants for HH theStichtse Rijnlanden
Waterplantmelder 2.2.0
The Aquatic Detector can be reported where aquatic nuisance
EyeOnWater - Colour 1.6.0
The EyeOnWater concept consists of an App and a website. Theappallows you as user to make a contribution to science andsupplyinformation about the water colour of fresh- as well assalinewaters (lakes, rivers, coastal waters, seas and oceans) nearyourlocation or elsewhere. The measurement is sent to thecentralserver, validated and stored, after which it is visible viatheEyeOnWater website: What is it youmeasure?Water colour is an indication for life (e.g. algae) in thewater.Scientists have been measuring this in marine waters viatheForel-Ule scale for more than 200 years. Your measurementswillcontribute to this long term observation and continuethetimeseries. The EyeOnWater concept has been developed byNIOZ(scientific background), Veerder (Design), and MARIS(Technicaldevelopment), with assistance from other partners in theEU fundedproject Citclops: Join us!
Wandelnetwerk Noord-Holland 2.3.1
Plan your walking on the website and use your own route on yoursmartphone.
EyeOnWater - Colour 2.4.0
Contribute by supplying information about the water colour at yourlocation.
EyeOnWater - Australia
Contribute by supplying information about the water colour atyourlocation.
OGEL & TDM Law Journals 1.2.5
Oil, Gas & Energy Law/Transnational DisputeManagement(arbitration) law journal